13 Effective Tips on How to Start a Successful Hair Extension Business in 2023!

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hair extension business

Are you interested in starting a hair extension business?

Hair extensions have become increasingly popular over the past few years, and there is a growing demand for quality products.

Starting your own hair extension business can be an excellent way to capitalize on this trend and make money while doing something you love. But how do you get started?

Here are 13 effective tips for starting a successful hair extension company.

From researching the market, finding reliable suppliers, creating an online presence, marketing ideas, establishing a business plan, and setting prices – these tips will help ensure that your venture into the world of the hair business is both profitable and enjoyable.

So read on to find out what it takes to launch a successful hair extension company!

Brainstorm and Write a Plan

The idea of starting from scratch to write a hair extension business plan for a hair extensions business may not seem like much fun.

But if you can show that you are serious about your new career endeavor in a hair extension company, banks, and even other business people will be much more likely to help you out.

Creating a business plan for your own hair extensions enterprise will allow you to estimate your income and be well-prepared for any unexpected challenges.

To write or brainstorm for your hair extension services, it is important to do your research about the different extensions out there, the current trends,  the different businesses in the market, and other factors.

You also have to factor in any potential startup costs and calculate your expected profits. Do not forget to consider your competition and create a competitive edge for yourself.

This also brings up the idea of practicing good hair inventory to avoid financial failure.

Create Your Own Hair Extension Business Brand

hair extension business

Creating your own hair extension brand is the first step to success in the hair extension business. You must create a unique brand identity and stand out from competitors.

Your brand will be an essential part of your marketing strategy, so it’s important to think carefully about what makes your product different and how you can communicate this to clients.

Creating a strong brand for your hair extension business involves more than just choosing a logo and name.

It includes everything from defining the core values of your business, creating high-quality packaging for products, developing engaging content for social media channels, building relationships with influencers, setting up customer service protocols, such as email marketing, and more.

Taking time to develop these elements will ensure that customers recognize your company as a trustworthy and reliable provider of hair extensions.

Establish Your Hair Extension Funding

Having a stable source of capital is one of the most important steps you can take toward running a successful hair extension company.

The investment might be small if you’re only looking to learn how to put in a few extensions, or it can be substantial if you want to open a full-fledged salon. You also need to study and foresee financial projections to avoid bankruptcy and even unnecessary investments.

Another good practice to ensure stable funding and finance of your business is a stock inventory.

If you reside in a local neighborhood or your supplier is located in a different country, you may have your items delivered swiftly.

Also, one good tip for funding is to start small and then look for investors or an angel investor down the road.

You can also consider taking out a loan, finding grants, crowdfunding, or angel investors to help you get your business off the ground.

It’s important to think carefully about how much money you need to get started and what type of funding is best for your particular business.

Market Research and Select Your Target Audience

hair extension business

Finding your niche market and developing a well crafted business plan that details your marketing strategy, price, and target customers are also crucial.

Doing market research is essential to determine the type of hair extensions that you will offer and also the type of customers who are interested in purchasing your products.

You can research the hair extension market by looking at trends, analyzing competitors, and speaking to local customer who is already buying or might be interested in buying hair extensions.

By focusing your efforts on a specific target audience, you can ensure that your business is tailored to their needs and interests.

Find the Best Platforms to Sell Hair Extensions

The hair extension business involves more than just finding customers and providing them with hair extensions.

You also need to decide which platforms you’re going to use to sell your products. You may opt for brick-and-mortar hair extension stores, online shops, or a combination of both.

You must find the right platform for your business so that you can reach as many potential customers as possible.

When it comes to brick-and-mortar stores, you should consider setting up a small store in the area where you live, or in other cities and towns.

You can also look for hair salons, beauty supply stores, and other trade shows and events where you can display and sell your hair extensions. Make sure that you choose locations that are near your target market.

Online shops are a great way to reach more customers and expand your market. You can set up an online store with a reliable e-commerce platform, such as Shopify or WooCommerce.

Companies who are serious about growing their customer base understand the importance of having an online presence and sell hair extensions through marketplaces.

You can also join online marketplaces, such as Amazon and eBay so that customers from all over the world can find your hair extensions business.

Build Good Client Relationships and Follow-Up

hair extension business

Building relationships with customers is extremely important for any successful business.

Take the time to get to know your customer – understand their needs, answer their questions, and be aware of any complaints they may have.

Follow up with customers after a purchase is made to show your appreciation for their business.

Storing hair extensions might be beneficial to your company, as it’s been observed many occasions when a local consumer would just choose another provider that could deliver the goods in 5 days rather than 20.

Show them that you are interested in helping them get the best results from your hair extensions by providing helpful advice and tips.

You can also keep in touch with customers via email or social media and let them know about any new products, services, and promotions that you offer.

By being attentive to customers’ needs, you can create lifelong relationships and even generate referrals for your own business.

Develop a Hair Extension Product Range

Having a good product range is essential if you want to succeed in the hair extension business.

Choose high-quality, durable hair extensions that are available in various styles, lengths, and colors.

You can also offer special deals to customers, such as buy-one-get-one-free offers or discounts for bulk orders.

Make sure that you research the hair extension market thoroughly so that you can stay up to date with the latest trends and advancements in the industry.

As a business owner, you should also be mindful of the materials used in the hair extension. Some customers may not prefer synthetic hair extensions so it is important to make sure that your product line includes options for everyone.

Keep Up With Industry Trends and New Technology

The hair extension business is constantly evolving and it is important that you stay up to date with all the latest trends and technology.

You should research new techniques, products, and developments in the hair extension industry so that you can keep your customers informed of any advancements.

You should also be aware of how online marketing works and use it to your advantage.

By staying up to date with industry trends, you can ensure that your hair extension business is profitable and successful.

Learn How to Take Professional Photos of Your Products

hair extension business

This may not seem like a crucial step in starting a hair business, but it can make or break the success of your own business.
Taking good-quality photos of your hair extensions business can help create a professional image for your business. This is also a stepping stone in selling hair extensions that actually sold out!
Make sure to hire a professional photographer or invest in good-quality photography equipment. You should also consider investing in photo editing software so that you can make any adjustments to your photos if needed.
You should also consider writing interesting descriptions for each of your hair extensions and include helpful tips so that customers know how to use them.

Utilize Social Media Marketing Ideas and Online Advertising Strategies

hair extension business

It is already mentioned earlier, social media plays an important role in any business.

By having a strong presence on social media, you can increase brand awareness and reach more customers.

You can also use social media to engage with customers, provide helpful advice and tips, and even promote special deals. Social media is one of the great marketing methods that you can start with especially if you are a beginner in the hair business.

Online advertising is also an effective way to reach more clients. If you have an extra budget, you can also set up your own website.

A great website ensures a wide reach of clients.

You have full control over your company’s website and may produce blog articles, photographs, and other content to showcase your original brand.

This way you can also provide further information about your hair business – and this opens an opportunity for selling worldwide and making more money.

Social media sites and platforms such as Facebook Ads, Google Search, and Google Adwords allow you to target your ads to potential customers who have already shown interest in similar products or services.

This can help you to reach more people to let them know your business exists.

You should also consider using influencer marketing campaigns which involve working with influencers to promote your hair extensions through their social media channels. This is a great way to target market trends and understand your clients better.

Plus, you get the right exposure that you need and they can even refer your business to other interested clients.

Make Sure You Have Good Customer Service Practices in Place

Good customer service is key to any business and it is especially important for the hair business.

You should make sure that your customer service team is knowledgeable, friendly, and professional.

Having a good customer service team in place will help to ensure that shoppers have a positive experience when dealing with your business.

You should also have a detailed plan and clear returns policy and make sure that clients know how to contact you in case they have any issues or queries. This is a high priority to include in your proper business plan to begin in the hair business.

Hire Professional Hair Stylists

hair extension business

If your hair extension business is going to be successful, then you will need to hire experienced and professional hair stylists.

A team of professional hair stylists will ensure that your buyers get the best service and advice when purchasing their hair extensions.

Make sure your stylists have knowledge of dealing with hair extensions and can provide the right products for each client.

Consult Reliable Hair Extension Suppliers

It is critical to work with a reputable hair extension manufacturer that can give you high-quality items.

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned hair extension specialist, it is important to establish a lasting relationship with your hair extension manufacturer.

Working with a reliable and trusted manufacturer ensures that you get the best quality hair extensions for your business. This must be part of your long-term hair extension business plan.

When choosing a manufacturer, make sure to read reviews from clients and do research on the

eir manufacturing processes. Check for hair business certifications, as this provides enough proof that the hair extensions are of top-notch quality.

A manufacturer is a good business partner as you will no longer have to worry about the hair quality of your products. A reliable hair extension supplier also has a variety of services and products for business owners.

From natural hair to synthetic hair, to shipping service, and more. A reliable manufacturer helps you achieve your business goals.

These are just a few of the many tips you should consider when starting a hair extension business. With the right approach and dedication, you can be successful in this industry! Good luck!

The hair extension business is a booming industry and there are many opportunities to make money. With the best strategies and techniques, you can start up a successful hair extension business!

Frequently Asked Questions by Beginners to the Hair Extensions Industry

hair extension business

Is Hair Extension Business a Good Start to Invest In?

Yes, the hair extension business can be a good start to invest in as it is a thriving industry with many opportunities for success.

With the right strategies and techniques for your business plan, you can begin and grow your hair extension company to reap the benefits of this industry.

It is important to research reliable hair extension manufacturers, choose the right products, establish a good hair extension business plan, set up an effective customer service team, utilize social media and online marketing strategies, and more.

This will ensure that you have all the tools necessary to build a successful hair extension business!

However, even if you have a detailed business strategy, it’s quite rare that absolutely everything will go as planned. As you learn more about yourself and your company, you may review your early ideas and make adjustments.

What are the most common mistakes made by own hair extension business owners?

hair extension business

Some of the most common mistakes made by hair extension business owners include not doing enough research on reliable manufacturers, not having proper customer service practices in place, not creating a good online presence, and not understanding the market.

It is also important to make sure that you are offering quality hair extension products so that clients have a good experience with your business.

Are there any legal requirements for starting a hair extensions business?

Yes, there are legal requirements that you need to fulfill to start a hair extension business. Of course, you should start with a business license,  which is usually issued by the Secretary of State or local agencies.

You may also need to obtain a sales tax permit depending on which state or country you are in to start a hair extension company.

Before starting, it is advised to contact a lawyer or legal advisor to ensure that all requirements are met and that the business is in compliance with the law.

Is it necessary to get certification to start a hair extension business?

hair extension business

Like the abovementioned question, certifications are not always required to start a hair extension business but it is advised for more experienced professionals.

If you are new to the industry, it would be a good idea to do research and get certified in hair extensions so that you know the industry, including the different types of hair extensions and hair extension techniques such as weaving, bonding, and more.

Certification can also provide proof of your knowledge in the industry, which can be beneficial when pitching your business to potential clients.

How do I determine the pricing for my hair extension products?

The pricing of your hair extension product also depends on how much research you have done on the industry, who your target customer is, and what type of hair extensions you are offering.

It is important to include your hair extension manufacturer’s wholesale prices in the pricing model so that you can make a profit. Make sure to include this in your hair extension business plan to make sure you are getting the most out of all the profit.


So there you have it!  These are just a few of the many tips you should consider when starting a hair extension business. With the right approach and dedication, you can be successful in this hair industry.

As I have mentioned earlier, having a reliable hair extension manufacturer sets a strong foundation for your business. Make sure to do research and look into the quality of their hair extension products, customer service, delivery time, and more!

Luckily, Alvin Hair is a reliable hair extension manufacturer with quality hair extensions and excellent customer service. Make sure to check them out if you are looking for a good partner to start your hair extension business with.

Boost your business with our high quality services

Alvinhair will be your best choice in hair industry